department of
Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology
Research Themes
The research is characterized by a focus on cell biological and immunological processes on molecular and cellular level.
The 5 main Research Themes are: Cancer Immunology, Mucosal Immunology, Neuroimmunology, Skin Immunology and Immunodeficiencies and disorders of immune dysregulation.
The research is embedded in Amsterdam Research:
The department receives research funding from major national and international organizations and institutes.
The department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology (MCBI), consists of around 120 researchers and 12 research groups supervised by principle investigators.
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Read moreCore Facilities
The MCBI has outstanding facilities to perform state-of-the-art research.
Approaches that are applied range from well validated in vitro and in vivo models with the possibility to validate findings in patient material.
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Read moreAbout
The department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology (MCBI), headed by prof. dr. Yvette van Kooyk, performs fundamental-preclinical research in the field of Cancer Immunology, Mucosal Immunology, Neuroimmunology, Skin immunology and Immunodeficiencies and immune dysregulation disorders. The main goals of the department are to 1) perform innovative, cutting-edge and excellent fundamental research with translational character and 2) to provide education of the highest quality level both theoretical and hand-on in topics such as in immunology, cell biology and biochemistry.