Unravelling the Tumor Glyco -Code Studying the role of glycosylation in cancer progression and immune evasion Juan Ernesto Rodriguez Camejo Unravelling the Tumor Glyco -Code Thesis defense: 06-06-2023 Promotor: Prof.dr. Y. van Kooyk. Co promotor: Dr. J.J. Garcia Vallejo
Hypergranulatory tissue in breast implant surgery and skin scar formatio Erik de Bakker Hypergranulatory tissue in breast implant surgery and skin scar formatio Thesis defense: 24-02-2023 Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ritt, prof.dr. S. Gibbs. Copromotor: Dr. F.B. Niessen
Microglia and beyond Lynn van Olst Microglia and beyond Thesis defense: 24-02-2023 Promotor: prof. dr. H.E. de Vries, prof. dr. W.M. van der Flier. Copromotor: prof. dr. Ir. C.E. Teunissen, dr. M. E. Witte
An act of revision: IgA in health and disease Melissa van Gool An act of revision: IgA in health and disease Thesis defense: 26-01-2023 Promotor: prof. dr. R. Mebius, prof. dr. M. van Egmond. Copromotor: dr. M. E. Witte
Targeting antigen presenting cells with lipid-based vaccines for the induction of strong immune responses Dorian Stolk Targeting antigen presenting cells with lipid-based vaccines for the induction of strong immune responses Thesis defense: 14-12-2022 Promotor: prof. dr. Y. van Kooyk, prof. dr. T.D. de Gruijl. Copromotor: prof. dr. J.J. van der Vliet
Surgery for colorectal cancer: a trigger for liver metastases development? Simran Grewal Surgery for colorectal cancer: a trigger for liver metastases development? Thesis defense: 27-10-2022 Promotor: prof. dr. M. van Egmond. Copromotor: dr. S.J. Oosterling
Rewiring the powerhouse. Macrophage metabolism in health and disease Sanne Verberk Rewiring the powerhouse. Macrophage metabolism in health and disease Thesis defense: 21-10-2022 Promotores: prof. dr. H. E. de Vries, prof. dr. M. P. J. de Winther. Copromotor: dr. ir. J. Van den Bossche
The choroid plexus in progressive Multiple Sclerosis Sabela Rodriguez Lorenzo The choroid plexus in progressive Multiple Sclerosis Thesis defense: 21-4-2022 Promotor: prof. dr. H.E. de Vries. Co-pormotor: dr. G. Kooij
IgA – The art of balancing between host protection and auto-immunity Annelot Breedveld IgA – The art of balancing between host protection and auto-immunity Thesis defense: 1-7-2021 Promotores: prof. dr. M. van Egmond, prof. dr. R. Mebius
Glioblastoma immunotherapy. Catching an elusive tumour Sophie Dusoswa Glioblastoma immunotherapy. Catching an elusive tumour Thesis defense: 29-6-2021 Promotor: prof. dr. Y. van Kooyk. Copromotor: dr. J.J. Garcia Vallejo